Female Body Hair is Badass
Mothers and Dildos
Mothers and Dildos
Not a combination you hear every day, nor one that many want to hear.
Yet, this weekend I spent my Saturday with my Mum, selling dildos at St Andrews Market, Melbourne.
Learning to love yourself…
Believe it or not, I used to hate getting in front of a camera…
Losing a Lover is losing Love.
Love is not a commodity for the worthy and partnered.
Love is for all.
“This level of liberation is dangerous.”
“Liberation of this level is dangerous.”
I’m in a fiery cocoon…
It's been 18 days since my Instagram, Facebook and messenger accounts were deactivated without warning.
I need your help.
Dear community, I have been erased off all social media. Here’s how to support me…
Getting kinky with friends
The time I got to explore a kink club, get spanked & learn about the durability of testicles!
I remember when my anus got torn
I met him on tinder, he was my type back then, a backpacker, unclean, a sexy accent, and he lived around the corner. There was no courtship. I was used to that. I went straight to his house, we talked, he rolled a joint, we smoked, and then it was go time.
Self pleasure will revolutionise your relationship
From lived experience, I could give you about a thousand reasons as to how self pleasure will change you in ways seen and unseen, but let me expand on why it is so important to continue doing in relationship, and why this is not talked about enough!
Self Pleasure and your period
Can you self pleasure while you are menstruating? Does your libido come and go in waves without warning?
Pleasure Astrology
What does astrology tell us about our approach to pleasure, desires, sex & sexuality? How can astrology guide us to embody the most magnetic version of our authentic expression & the yummiest flavour of sexual exploration?
You have the right, and the reason to pursue pleasure after trauma
I see you babe. I see your disconnection, you’re shut down, your withdrawal. I know pleasure can feel like a distant memory. Like a frustrating, unachievable pressure. Like something that isn’t for you. But that isn’t true. Your pleasure still exists.
Pleasure, love, truth and trust are guiding me through this expansion
I journeyed 17 thousand kilometres to come home in time, to present at the renowned festival, Seven Sisters.
Letting myself be loved
We arose with with tender, tasty sleeping bag touches, I unzipped the tent into a landscape of mountains, glorious drinkable rivers, reindeer, camp porridge and of course tea.
Holy Mother of Moly
Holy Mother of Moly, a youtube video of my mum and I just hit 266K views.
Who do you CHOOSE to be?
It is proven that who we self identify as, is who we become.
I’m doing this for love
This morning I took an intuitive walk by the river, I started putting music together for this weekend's Embodying the Queen Within.
I landed across a song that, combined with the ducks flying, the crisp winter air and the blue blue sky, moved me to tears.
But why two days?
That's a lot of time Chloe, do you think you should shorten it?
It was 2am in a drunken Lisbon club, when I finally realised how deeply I was suffering
It was 2am in a drunken Lisbon club, when I finally realised how deeply I was suffering.