Welcome, beloved seeker,
Welcome to the path of Self-Love and Sexuality.

“Chloe’s 1:1 Self Love & Sexuality Coaching is the ultimate personalised journey for creating a life of radical self love and ecstatic sexuality. It’s the journey your soul has been dreaming of.”
Before you read on, I want to acknowledge what a privilege it is to be able to offer this work to you and to many other women, non-binary folk, and femmes.
So many women in this world will NEVER be allowed the opportunity to access the liberating, raw, and real potential that I’m about to offer you.
So I celebrate you, for daring to dream that you are worthy of investing your time, energy, and finances in a journey of liberated self-love and radical sexuality...
Because you know what - you are fucking worthy.

How to know if this is really for me?

So who are you?
Because you found your way to this page, I believe I may know some things about you…
Your life is pretty good; you ‘should’ be happy and grateful… but there’s a spark in your life that’s simply… missing.
Perhaps some of these resonate…
You don’t feel a spark in your career, yet so much of your time and energy are spent there.
You don’t feel fully understood by your friendship group or family.
Experiences that happened to you in childhood / teenage years still deeply impact you today.
You feel disconnection and shame for your body.
You spend hours in your head talking negatively about every aspect of yourself.
You feel overwhelmed by your strong emotions, so you suppress and numb them.
You have little to no relationship with your menstrual cycle.
You feel a deep sense of loneliness that you don’t know how to fill.
You have never connected to your vulva, you may even despise it.
Your sexuality is dormant, numb, and maybe even stunted by trauma.
Your romantic relationships and dating life are challenging because of all of the above.
You believe the titles Queen, Royalty, or Goddess do not apply to you.
You lack guidance and direction in your life path.
Darling, take a big breath. Even if just one of those resonated with you, that is a lot to bear.
Yet, so many of these struggles are experienced on a daily basis and thought to be ‘normal’.
We’ve created a society that is devoid of depth, vulnerability, initiation, sacredness, and conscious sexuality.
But it’s time for there to be a new norm.
Before you are two paths. The path of Self-Love, and the path of Sexuality.
Many of you will need to walk the path of self-love before you can fully experience the path of sexuality. Some of you will be ready to dive right into sexuality - having already done your inner work - if that is you, jump onto your sexuality path here.
If you’re here for the full journey of evolution, then read on.

“I followed the queen quietly for quite a while.
I faced a lot of my limitations and I knew there is a lot of healing work to do especially around my sexuality and just like that Chloe was opening one on one spaces and I was like “Dang, OK thats my sign.”
I admire Chloe’s ability to express her sexuality and I feel like its juicy to have a healthy pedestal moment with people you chose as a mentor. We therapated (dates with a therapist :)) for almost half a year and I continuously grew a stronger bond with my self. Chloe guided and held space for me through so much: self worth topics, we danced and cried and traveled deep into the body and I am just beyond grateful to have been witnessed by the queen herself. I was sobbing, I was laughing, I was defiant like a child and Chloe held me through it, while gently calling me out.I feel so much more secure now, I am actually working with my body sensations and I kept so many of Chloe’s golden nuggets close to my boobs. (And heart)
We did a lot of work around my mother-wound and I am still in awe. The tools I got were so supportive and just what I needed during this very intense phase of my life, writing my book and facing creative blocks through my limitations. I love you Chloe thank you for your generosity, for your (even digital) warmth, your laughter, your guidance.
I am forever grateful.”

The Self-Love Journey
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." - Chinese proverb
In my coaching journeys, I take my clients on an inner pilgrimage to heal the root of so many of our adult issues - our wounded inner child.
Drawing inspiration and wisdom from modern psychology, with trauma-informed practices, I dive deep into the recesses of your psyche, uncovering those tender parts of ourselves that have longed for the healing and nurturing they did not receive as a child or teen.
For many, in order to thrive in our self-love and sexuality, we must return to the roots - cultivating inner parents—the nurturing mother and the supportive father archetypes—ready to hold us with the love, support, and wisdom our inner child has long craved.
With roots established, we branch up and through the many limbs of self-love.
These journeys are hard to truly explain, for like a tree, each is unique.
Yet in my experience, the common threads for finding your way back to self-love are traversing through:
body love
emotional reclamation
inner alchemy
balancing yin and yang
trusting yourself
developing self-compassion
reclaiming power.
When the limbs of the self-love tree are healthy and full, a natural occurrence arises in the coaching journey. The life force begins to flow, and flowers of sexual curiosity, desire, and exploration arise.

Cassie’s Testimonial
A Journey to Self-Love
The Sexuality Journey
From within the womb, babies are witnessed touching their genitals in innocent enjoyment of pleasure.
Our pleasure is our birthright. Yet it is one of the most heavily shamed, traumatized, sold, and suppressed areas of the human experience.
Each of our sexual journeys from infancy to adulthood is different, and together in coaching, I help you decide which parts of our sexuality you wish to reclaim, rewrite, rewire, learn, explore, expand, and practice.
This stage of the journey welcomes the element of touch.
As a Tao Tantra teacher, I am trained to guide students through self-touch, or to use my own touch to help guide you back to sexual wholeness.
This can look like me helping you assert boundaries, guiding you to use a jade egg, guiding you to de-armour your vulva, and more.
As a self-love and sexuality coach, I integrate the principles of Tantra and Taoism into our journey. It is important to note that while I use the words Tantra and Taoism, and have been trained in the lineage, I am aware of the cultural origins and respect the traditions from which they originated.
I do not intend to appropriate or misrepresent any specific lineage. Instead, my approach primarily draws from the principles of neo-tantra, blending modern wisdom with ancient tantric teachings.
I approach Tantra and Taoism with deep reverence, respect, and integrity, honoring their essence while offering a contemporary and accessible approach that aligns with our modern lives.

Coaching Options
Chloe works with people for a minimum of 3 months through to 6 months, 9 months or a year.
Chloe only takes on committed clients for her long term coaching packages and helps to assess whether you require Self Love coaching, Sexuality coaching or both.
Apply for a free discovery call to see which journey is for you.

What’s Included
Self Love Journey & Sexuality Journey’s
Online or in person sessions
Depending on the package we choose for you you will have 3 sessions per month with one week for integration.
A special GIFT
Personalised home play
To deepen your process and journey I will create a mixture of meditations, journal prompts and rituals for you each week
Royal Portal
For accessing your notes and home play during and beyond the coaching journey I create your own password protected portal on my website!
Session-session support
Babe, I’m not just your coach. I’m your cheerleader, shoulder to cry, wing-woman and more. In between session you have my support via txt or voice note! Yes that’s epic.
Free access to my monthly circles (for Melbournians)

Some of the topics we may cover…..
Self love Topics
♥ Inner child healing
♥ Activation and Rewiring of inner mother and father
♥ Worthiness and Deservingness
♥Emotional Release
♥Mindset reframing
♥Integrating the Shadow
♥Body Love
♥Cultivating Inner Safety, love, belonging
♥Cultivating the art of Self Pleasure
♥Cultivating Inner Safety
♥Rewiring Limiting Beliefs
♥Crafting Daily Practices
♥Hearing and speaking truth
♥Setting boundaries
Ecstatic Sexuality Topics
♥Pussy love, communicating with pussy
♥Removing Barriers to Orgasm
♥Connecting Sex to the Heart
♥Sex Magic
♥Mirror Work
♥Re – Sensitising the body
♥Transmuting & Channeling Sexual Energy
♥Conscious of Menstrual Cycle
♥Intimacy in partnership
♥Yoni Self – Massage & De- Armouring
♥Unleashing the Wild Woman / being
♥Connecting with higher consciousness to align with the soul
My coaching journeys range in the 1000’s AUD
Book a free discovery call to see which coaching journey I recommend for you

Hear what past coach babes say…..

Robyn, Australia
Firstly I just want to say a big fat F*CK yes and thank you to all the giggles, dances, tears, and rawness shared! Thank you for being the truly amazing human you are, you basically beam out rainbows and radiance for everyone to share. This put me in such a safe place to be myself and feel ready open up.
My sessions with Chloe have been nothing short of RADICAL.
Chloe has beautifully unique ways of helping you gently uncoil and unwind your internal blocks, slowly analysing your emotions and desires. Each session flowed in its own way and through many different activities Chloe helped me identify what was standing in the way to achieve my desires and how best to work through it.
I’ve never really done anything like this before, so it took me a while to get comfortable dedicating so much time and energy to myself, and to be so vulnerable. However after a couple of sessions we both started seeing a change in my journey and my response system. Chloe definitely challenged me in many (good) ways, carving out new paths for me to wonder down. We uncovered many raw truths and suppressed emotions that Chloe then taught me techniques how to view these in new perspectives and how to release the emotions.
I can’t thank Chloe enough for always going above and beyond with me, to give me extra practices outside of our sessions and tailoring your time to my wildly erratic schedule.
Chloe is a truly amazing being, who does incredible work with such genuine fiery passion. Anyone would be so lucky to have the chance to work with her! xx
Eva, Australia
I have absolutely loved being coached by Chloe over the last three months!
Working with Chloe has allowed me to move through some really difficult challenges in dating and relationships.
Our weekly Zoom would lift me up in the most empowering and supportive way, I always looked forward to it!
Chloe really helped me integrate aspects of me and my inner child that I previously struggled to accept.
Chloe took me to really deep parts of me yet she always kept it fun and pleasurable!
She helped me see how radiant and magnetic I already was, shone a light on all aspects of my being and celebrated me every step of the way.
Chloe has a spot on intuition and knows exactly what question to ask or what process to do. I'm so deeply grateful for this transformational work with Chloe, she is fucking phenomenal and I cannot recommend her enough.
If you are considering coaching with Chloe - Do it, do it, do it!! -
Saskia, The Netherlands
You know how the universe loves us unconditionally, how there is no lack in the divine and how magical encounters happen to you because you are magical?
Yes, I guess you do but sometimes we forget, right?
And beautiful Chloe came into my life to remind me of exactly THIS again.
We met on a small festival in Italy and reconnected some years after to dive into a journey full of trust, love and respect.
Chloe opened up a space for me in which there was absolutely no judgement. My shame about my body, my feeling of not being good enough and my fear of rejection were seen, taken care of and transformed into a willingness to go on adventures and rewrite my sex-story.
Even though we had a clear structure and we met on Zoom this wonderful being guided me with everything that was there (and sometimes wasn’t) into a sex-universe full of healing and pleasure.
And ENJOY, dear reader, this incredible healing journey. May it take you beyond your fantasies.
Vera, Australia
I am so grateful to have shared this 10-week coaching period with my dear friend Chloe.
We started coaching together at the right moment for me, when I needed it the most.
Just moved from Europe to Australia and I definitely needed support to make this transition.
I did a lot of healing work in the past but it felt like the universe decided that it was time to dive deeper and to see which parts in me still needed healing.
I couldn't have done this without Chloe. She is so intuitive and knew exactly what I needed every session. She creates a safe space and I felt safe to express everything freely.
I feel so different now compared to when I just arrived in Australia (4 months later) and Chloe has been a huge part of that.
I can recommend her to everyone who would like to feel more empowered, more alive and just wants to be who you are and live freely from that place.
Chloe is a power woman who can find this inner beauty in you!
Megan’s Testimonial
Choosing myself, always.
So, who am I?
I’m Chloe Adriana—a certified self-love and sexuality coach with a passion for learning that runs deep in my roots. Before embarking on my self-love and sexuality journey, I worked as a teacher where I learned the art of learning and growth.
In 2018, after travelling Africa trying to find who I was, I arrived in the North of Sweden to a self-development and Tantric community where I would stay for the next seven months. Surrounded by the enchanting embrace of nature, and highly conscious humans, I soaked up the wisdom, healing, and spiritual growth that was on offer day in day out.
Upon leaving, I knew it was my calling to do as had been done to me, to bring love and liberated sexuality to the world.
Today, with my training in the VITA coaching method under renowned Tantra teacher Layla Martin, the profound teachings of Tao Tantric Arts guided by the esteemed Shashi Solluna and Minke De Vos, my years of learning while traversing this beautiful world, and the many clients I have already successfully guided on this path.
I bring to this transformative journey a wealth of knowledge and an embodied example of how to live a life that is rich in radical self-love and liberated sexuality.
Let’s do this.
How the coaching journeys work.
There are two options:
Three months spent focusing on either Self-Love or Sexuality.
Or six months spent traversing through Self-Love or Self-Love and Sexuality.
I invite new clients to a free 1-hour discovery call.