Join our next intake!
Join our next intake! ⋆
Have you heard the call?
Is your facilitation Crown waiting to be put on?
Do you have workshops that have been ready to be birthed for many moons?
Do you feel the call to serve your local community by running women’s or all genders circles?
Are you already a facilitator who wants to deepen their practice?
Facilitation Crown is designed for inspired embodied beings who are ready to facilitate their own events with confidence, stop doubting their abilities and share their medicine with those who need it.
Only a few feel the call to lead.
If you have felt the call, then the world needs your medicine.
How can you be anchored in your confidence and assured of your integrity to facilitate, when you were never taught how?
Facilitation is a craft through which you deliver your craft.
Your medicine is needed in the world, but how can your share it when you haven’t refined the crown of facilitation.
I don’t have your unique medicine, but I do have the tools for royal, confident facilitation that I am ready to teach you.
I’d like to invite you to be part of an intimate group of deeply embodied and confident Facilitation Crown bearers.
The Program will commence Wednesday 24th of April and will include one practicum experience of facilitating your own workshop.
Facilitation Crown will deeply and deliciously trains you how to facilitate your own creations with crown confidence.
Introducing your Queen facilitator
Hey, I’m Chloe Adriana and I have been facilitating since I was 11 years old.
Our family friend started a fairy party business and she needed a fairy assistant. I chose the name Fairy Floss, she sewed me a fairy outfit, showed me how to make the ‘potions’ and took me to a face painting course.
After seven years of being her assistant fairy I got my drivers license and took the fairy parties on independently.
From fairy parties I went on to study a Bachelor of Education, where I learnt about the pedagogy of learning, studied child psychology, mindfulness, lesson planning, social and emotional
well-being and of course undertook many hours of practicum until in 2016 I got my own composite class of 78 prep students!
The world of teaching was a lot for me, so after two years I went abroad and ended up living in a tantric and self development retreats community for 7 months - there I attended 1000’s of workshops and eventually began running my own.
Since returning to Australia I have learnt to combine my craft of education, entertainment and embodiment to facilitate numerous high quality transformational events.
Is Facilitation Crown for you?
Am I ready?
You’re not sure if you’re ready to be a facilitator
Whether you begin running events directly after this program or not this training will embolden your capacity for leadership, for authority over your worth, your voice and your capacity to share your medicine.
Even if its just with your friendship group, the world wants you to share your medicine. -
I'm already a facilitator
You’re already doing it, so do you need training?
There is nothing better than a facilitator / leader who knows the value of professional development.
I personally have attended countless events simply because I want to receive the transmission of the facilitator. And they aren;t actually telling me what they do and why.In this training Ill be giving you all my tricks so that you can take them and add them to your basket, or leave them with full trust in your style of facilitation.
This training is about making you more YOU only with your facilitation crown even more sparkly.
What makes Facilitation Crown so unique?
Embodied Training that sets you up for success
This training combines the masculine / yang structure with the feminine / yin intuition and embodiment.
This is not about creating an offering so you can make money, it’s about offering something that resonates with your whole being - that will naturally create abundance.
After decades of facilitating Chloe has found a path of facilitation that not only serves her participants, but has served her business in its rapid success.
”Simply providing a monthly space for people to connect to my work has become the back-bone of my business. After three years of monthly Pussy Palace circle I decided to create a Pussy Palace Retreat and 90% of the attendees had attended Pussy Palace over the past years.”
Run your own workshop
With a background in Education I believe we learn by doing.
In week 4 you will have the opportunity to teach your craft to your peers. This will be safe and potentially an edge but it will expand you!
With reflections from Chloe and peers your will be fully prepared to step into the world and offer your own medicine.
Module 1 - The Crown
Swamping the blockages of your authority
Acknowledge and let go of all the ways you have learnt to play small and hide your medicineFeeling worthy / deserving of wearing a Facilitation Crown
Looking at your inner parts and up-leveling those out of alignment with being a facilitation crownCalling upon you facilitation diva
Everyone's facilitation looks different, connecting with the essence of your facilitation crownDefining your medicine
What is your medicine, there is so much of us to share, but when we simplify our medicine can more easily begin to be shared
Putting your facilitation crown ON.
We’ll cover:
Uncover your unconscious blocks
Step into your own alignment
Defining your niche
Invite creativity through pleasure
Module 2 - The Round Table
Safety, love and belonging (trauma informed, inclusive language, invitational language)
The three most important pillars that will allow you to be seen as a Crown facilitator any time, anywhereBeing the embodied leader, role model, pillar
What does embodiment mean to you and your medicine?
Being authentic about your limits of facilitation
Staying within your unique genius as a pillar for your participantsZone of proximal development and different learning styles:
Understanding the mechanics of learning, how do we learn, how to cater for different learning styles within your facilitation so everyone can receiveThe art of sharing:
Sharing is the most important most magical part of any facilitation - it takes the responsibility away from you to hold the space and allows the wisdom of your participants to vibrate and transform the space. (Be ready to let go!)
The flow of facilitation
We’ll cover:
The pillars of becoming a Crown Facilitator
Psychology of different learning styles
Anatomy of a Circle
Module 3 - Facilitation Execution
Defining your niche
What makes YOU unique in your offering, someone else has likely already shared what you want to share - but no one is like YOU, own it.Structure structure structure
Workshop planning - how to create structures that works for all beings
Creating a workshop / immersion / circle in minutes
Begin to create your own workshop to share with your peers next weekActivating your Facilitation Crown through pleasure
Facilitation Crowns are creative, creativity and pleasure are divinely connected - harness the power of pleasure to ignite your creative capacity
Pleasure activation, niche, structure
We’ll cover:
Pleasure activation
Defining your niche
Structure of workshop / lesson
Module 4 -Own it
Practice facilitating with your peers
Experience being facilitated whilst on this journey - it will feel different!
Do it, do it, do it
We’ll cover:
Practice facilitating and receive your students facilitation
Module 5 - Becoming the Boss and Integration
Reflect on Week 4 facilitation
Celebrations , clearings, desiresCreating your next event
Make it, write it,Marketing
- How to get it out there, become known in your community
- Social media marketing
- Local marketing
- Pricing
- Assistance
- What to cater (don’t go over board)
- How often to do it
- Email listQ&A
Graduation / closing ritual
Marketing, closing rituals, etc.
We’ll cover:
Reflect & Celebrate
Marketing & retention
The science of successful facilitators
Closing Ritual
There are two investment options for becoming a Facilitation Crown Bearer.
1. Facilitation Crown Course
Receive all the teachings learnt above, have life-time access to content and community
-Recieve 1:1 coaching from Chloe to hone in on your offering
-Have the opportunity to facilitate your own offering and be witnessed and given developmental feedback
$1500 PIF
or 5 x $300 monthly payments
payment plan available