Self Love Legacy - TBA
Create a solid foundation of self love so that you can stop playing small and claim the full spectrum of your epic individuality.
Next Pussy Palace - 13 March
Pussy Palace is a monthly event designed for radiant women, Womb-beings, Pussy-beings, Pleasure-beings, Queens and Royal Sovereigns. These circles have been life changing for the participants over the years I ran them locally and abroad. They are truly SOUP FOR THE SOUL, womb, and pussy.
O'gasmic Cacao Dance - 28 February
🍫✨ Welcome to an O'gasmic Cacao Dance Experience! ✨🍫
Indulge your senses from 7pm to 10pm, as we invite you to a tantalizing journey of bliss at our O'gasmic Cacao Dance event!
Experienced in Nicaragua, my whole body knew I needed to bring this experience to Australia. Aligned with Neo-Tantric Practices like somatic shaking and ecstatic Dance: O’gasmic cacao dance includes the energy of eros, the releasing of the mind and celebration of our pure being.
Embodying the Queen within
Want to live a life of royalty and stop feeling unworthy?
In two days you can transform your entire being to radiate self love and worthiness using my powerful embodiment practices.
I'm not going to lie, this immersion is going to be DEEP.
In just one weekend you’ll release patterns of disempowerment & playing the good girl and start living an embodied, self loving, magnetic & royal life…crown on!
Are you ready to become a Facilitation Queen? This is for the queens who are ready to birth an offering or wanting to host circles & events. Our first intake sold out in record time so join our waitlist for first access in our next launch!