Pleasure Astrology

What does astrology tell us about our approach to pleasure, desires, sex & sexuality?

How can astrology guide us to embody the most magnetic version of our authentic expression & the yummiest flavor of sexual exploration?

How can we expand our pleasure potential through the play with different astrological archetypes (zodiac signs, planets, astroids)?

Pleasure Astrology invites you into a playful exploration, experimentation & a powerful re-writing of your pleasure story.

Giving ourselves to the cosmic pleasure of astrology to help us understand our unique energy, our biggest life lessons & shine the light on the path ahead.

Liberating our longing hearts & realigning our belief systems to support our rising into more of who we truly, unapologetically are.

Not always, but often, the mind is the gate-keeper or the guardian that keeps us out & away from deeper experience of pleasure.

Overthinking, worrying, judgement, fears, shame & guilt that has been programmed into our more or less subconscious beliefs are creating disconnection from our bodies.

As an intellectual tool that engages the mind, astrology helps us explore our beliefs, shines the light on the corners that we have forgotten about or perhaps haven’t been able to fully understand, shakes the foundational perception so that we can realign our mental perspective in a way that supports our pleasure expansion.

Astrology can guide us in embodying our authentic pleasure path by revealing potential challenges, blocks, fears, insecurities & conditionings as well as opening us up to new areas of excitement, exploration, connecting us to the most easeful portals of deepening, reminding us of our natural gifts & ways to fully embody our unique magnetism.

Dismantling & releasing conditioned stories & judgement around why we’re not able to let more pleasure in, or why we don’t enjoy certain things as much & why we have certain needs, desires, tendencies, kinks & fetishes that perhaps we’re not able to fully embrace & let ourselves experience without icky emotions attached to the process.

In this sense, astrology is a beautiful gateway through which we can ease the mind to integrate & connect with the body in ways that feel more loving, allowing & accepting. Bringing the mind in deeper connection with our soul's authentic desires & understanding our pleasure story through our birth charts, reflections of our energetic blueprint.

If you want to receive these cosmic downloads from Feva herself, then come join us in Self Pleasure Arts to receive her full transmission, and have your pleasure chart explored!


Self Pleasure and your period


You have the right, and the reason to pursue pleasure after trauma