Deepening into pleasure…
And so, yesterday afternoon when I found myself alone for the first time in days, I turned on the heater, popped a hot water-bottle over my womb, and began to indulge in my addictive novel.
How long did you last stroke your 🐱for?
How long do you spend giving pleasure to your body before you touch your clit when you're masturbating?
Did you know the female body takes around 40 minutes to fully engorge…
Shower heads, jets, a mans finger and finally myself
I loved pleasure - but my lack of education about it mean I believed it came from sources outside of myself.
From shower heads, jets, from a mans finger or tongue and eventually from sex.
Learning to trust the masculine and money
As I hone in on these stories, chipping away at them like marble, carefully carving out new stories, I have felt things in my external world start to shift…
Honest share incoming…
I do this because bringing sisters / siblings together genuinely fills up my soul.
So I let go of my ego's need to sell out and found that I was excited to have a more intimate event - a different kind of medicine.
Confest & the Goddess
Yesterday as I drove away from Confest I had the polarising experience of deep joy and simultaneous grief.
Are you ready to wear your Facilitation Crown?
From teaching magic and teaching someone how to have an orgasm…
You see, facilitation is an embodied and psychological craft.
All pathways lead to god / goddess / source
What I have learnt on my journey is, like a tree with its many branches all threading out to create one grand canopy.
The power of the Jade Egg
For some, using the jade egg will be the missing piece you needed to finally experience a summer in your sexuality.
IMO: Morning routines are mandatory on the path of deepest alignment
I am learning in this life, like the daily rising and setting of the sun- if you want something you need to be consistent.
I started 2024 in deep unworthiness
Worthiness is an inside job that is assisted by the external world you call in, and surround yourself with.
The first time a man tried to worship me
Suddenly with this Adonis, I was in a scene from the movies, a scene part of me had been longing for, yearning for, craving…
Spontaneous vs Responsive Arousal
He slipped his tongue into my mouth and suddenly I was dripping.
Spontaneous VS responsive arousal is something I wish everyone knew about.
I guess I am a Kinky Bitch…
“I guess I am kinky.” I proclaimed to my friends after I’d just had hot wax dripped over my entire body for 40 minutes.
Learning to Love Men
On Sunday as I pulled up at my father's house I had tears streaming down my face.
I had been listening to Layla Martins podcast with Alison Armstrong called “How to bring out the best in men”
It compelled me to share what my father's day was like for me.
Power & The Pedestal
I first heard about Layla Martin in a ‘Wild Woman Workshop’ at Livelinge festival in The Netherlands 2018.The workshop had spoken to every part of me. It covered sisterhood, vulberability, empowerment, sexuality and unleashing the inner wild within us.
You don’t owe your body. You own your body.
You don’t owe your body. You own your body.
I, like many female bodied people, have a coding that has lived in my body, in my pussy.