Shower heads, jets, a mans finger and finally myself

When I was 26, I believed with devastating assurance, that my pu$$y was broken. 

From the time I was a  young girl I discovered the magical feelings that happen when you put the shower head …down there.

When, at 16, I got my first real boyfriend I was so excited to finally explore all the 'bases'.

I loved pleasure - but my lack of education about it mean I believed it came from sources outside of myself. 

From shower heads, jets, from a mans finger or tongue and eventually from sex.

If I used my fingers I would accompany that with reading graphic novels, watching porn or fantasising about someone giving me my pleasure.

To me, pleasure was something that came from outside myself.

Therefore, in my 20's I spent a lot of time seeking people who could 'give me' my pleasure, without much consideration for whether they were the kind of person I wanted to receive it from.

By the time I was 26 I'd spent so much time seeking external pleasure from men who didn't really care about me, that one day my pu$$y went numb.

I couldn't feel pleasure on my own, I couldn't feel it when I fantasised, I couldn't even feel pleasure when I got a yoni massage, which I had heard was meant to fix vaginal numbness.

I was heartbroken. Pleasure, one of my favourite things in life, was over.

Or so I thought…

I decided to study to become a Sex, Love and Relationship coach, where as part of the training we were to fully rewrite our relationship to our body, our heart and our pleasure.

I soon learnt the concept of self pleasure…

Not masturbation. 

Self pleasure: bringing yourself into a state of pleasure, with OR WITHOUT the touching of your genitals. 

For months I locked myself in my room being taught and guided how to do many different pleasure practices.

Sometimes in the practices I cried and cried and cried.
Sometimes I laughed so hard I nearly peed

Many times, I had the most intense orgasms of my entire life.


Because I was learning how to source my pleasure from within.

I was learning that the pleasure I had always sought was inside of myself

And I was healing the numbness that had been created in my pu$$y from many years of disconnection and disrespect she had experienced.

Today I have taught hundreds of women / female bodied beings to reconnect to the roots of their pleasure.

 Some people, like me, have always loved sex and pleasure but never knew how to give it to themselves with love.

Many others have no memory of pleasure, pleasure has been a foreign, removed part of their lives - perhaps because of the shame of religious upbringing, from traumatic experiences at a young age, or a hatred towards their body or their pu$$y.

I created Pleasure Roots for all those who, like me, are ready to move from disconnection and numbness in their pleasure.

Into a state of aliveness and connection to the pleasure that lives within.

If you are ready to feel inspired, informed and excited to build a pleasurable relationship with yourself through pleasure then this beginner friendly course is for you.

For 10 days you will receive education and implementation techniques for pleasure at a slow and safe pace.

Growing the foundation Roots in pleasure is essential in building the truly abundant pleasure that is available to every female body.

Because no pu$$y is broken, they are simply waiting to be reconnected too, from the heart.

So join us from 20th - 29th May.

Today you can sign up for just $59


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