How to cultivate sisterhood/siblinghood
Sister / siblinghood isn't something that just happens…
It's like a garden, the universe will plant the seeds of potential friendships, connections, soul-contracts to begin..
But it is up to us to tend to them
To water them with love notes (texts & voice notes)
To make sure they have sunlight through meaningful meetups
Sometimes when a friendship has run its course, they require weeding
Friendships are about give and take.
Sometimes we take, and sometimes we give.
It is not a bartering system for me then you.
But rather an energetic attunement into giving from a place of authenticity
And allowing yourself to ask for the help you really need when you need it.
I use my cycle to track when I am most able to be present and of service to my friends (ovulation)
And to guide me when to ask for some help, a massage, a cooked meal (pre-menstrual / bleed).
We are not taught about the roads and rhythms of friendships, and mostly that's okay, we find our way.
But one thing that has brought me deeper than I ever knew possible to the female bodied beings in my life…
Is being in circle with them.
Dropping the masks.
Dropping the chit chat.
Dropping the gossip and the (fun but) inane conversations about food and clothes and our busy lives.
And simply being present.
The Pussy Palace is opening its doors to gather in sacred circle once more next Thursday - 12th May.
We would love to see you there, and to see the flowers that bloom from within the fertile soils of sister(sibling)hood.