Welcome Radiant OnePlease fill this form out to the best of your ability. Answers may be as long or short as you see fit. If you have any questions or concerns while completing please pause and contact me at chloe@chloeadriana.com Enjoy! Chosen Names * First Name Last Name Pronouns (She/They/Her/Zey etc) * Email * Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone * Country (###) ### #### Do you understand... * If you experience or have experienced any of the following: bi-polar/ manic depression, post-traumatic stress, clinical depression, disordered eating, and / or suicide attempts, please bring this up on our initial call together. This is important to help both of us determine if this is a good fit at this time. I am trauma informed however I am not a trained professional in any of the above mentioned experiences. Yes No Still Unsure What is your profession? * Do you enjoy your profession? Why or why not? * Which, if any, personal / spiritual / health development practices or modalities have you engaged with? * E.g yoga, reiki, meditation, body work, therapy What are three things you most desire from our time together? * What are three things you want to move through/ release/ transform from our time together? Share your three biggest strengths/ what are you proud of? I don't mind if you do more than three! What are the biggest challenges / stressors in your life at present? * Are you currently in an intimate relationship? If so, what is the quality of that relationship - What is great about it? What could use some work or attention? Which (if any) sex toys do you currently own? * Which ()if any self development books have you read in the areas of Sex, Love, Relationships, Menstruation, Witch / Magic? * Are you spiritual and/ or religious? How do you feel about me calling in my guides and Goddess to assist in our work together? * What can I do that will help you feel safe and supported in our work together? * Is there anything else you would like me to know or do you have any questions for me? Are you open to providing feedback via email or a form after our sessions? * Yes No If you enjoy our journey together are you open to writing a testimonial for my website? (This can be done anonymously) * Yes No Under Certain Conditions Lastly! Are you ready to invest in transformational coaching? * HELL YES! Yep! I'm practically wet with excitement! No Thank you my love, I will be in touch very soon !